March 17, 2013

Navitus Bay wind farm given thumbs down at meeting

16th March 2013 |

A public meeting on the proposed wind farm off the Dorset coast saw the majority of attendees vote against the controversial plans.

The meeting, organised by Highcliffe Community Association, took place at Highcliffe Methodist Church with more than 250 residents attending.

Cases for and against the wind farm were presented by Navitus Bay Development Ltd and opposition group Challenge Navitus with residents able to ask questions of both sides of the debate.

Chairman of the meeting, Dorset County councillor Alan Griffiths, said: “I was astonished at the turnout from local people who wanted to know what effect this massive wind farm could have on them and their families.

“Many of our 1,700 members were there but we had put leaflets out notifying people about the meeting and the response from Highcliffe was fantastic.

“A vote was taken towards the end of the meeting and local people voted 11 in favour, eight uncertain and 234 against the wind farm.”

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