March 13, 2013

Middle School students learn about wind energy

Reporter: Amelia Nahmias | WHSV | March 13, 2013 |

HARRISONBURG – Thomas Harrison Middle School’s wind turbine is running. After a brief wait for an inspection on the bottom bolts, the brake was finally released. On a windy day like Wednesday you could really see the blades spinning.

Kid Wind Challenge is coming up this weekend.

Students will create wind turbine blades and compete to see which generates the most electricity. All that information comes directly to a laptop that tracks data as the blades spin. It keeps track of wind speed and the amount of energy produced.

“It translates the kilowatt energy that’s produced into the amount of CO2 that’s not being released into the atmosphere because a fossil fuel is not being used to generate that energy,” said John Devier-Scott, a science teacher at Thomas Harrison Middle School.

Devier-Scott encouraged everyone see the contest this weekend.

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