February 24, 2013
New York

Cape village officials: do not override our laws

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2013, watertowndailytimes.com

CAPE VINCENT – Village officials have asked the state Public Service Commission to refrain from overriding Cape Vincent’s local laws during the Article X siting process for BP’s proposed wind farm project.

Trustees said in a letter submitted to the PSC that as individuals, they “may not agree with all parts” of Cape Vincent’s zoning regulations and comprehensive plan, but they “acknowledge that these two items were arrived at and approved in a well thought out and democratic manner.”

“We abhor the idea that the state would feel that they would have more insight into what is best for the town and village of Cape Vincent than do its residents and duly elected officials,” they said. “While we know we cannot stop the Article X process, we implore you to respect the decisions our elected officials have made concerning our town and its future.”

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/02/24/cape-village-officials-do-not-override-our-laws/