February 1, 2013

‘Wind turbines must not be a danger to the public’ warns Energy Secretary Ed Davey

January 31, 2013 | www.thisisnorthdevon.co.uk

The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has warned wind farm operators not to let their turbines become a danger to the public after a turbine collapsed near Holsworthy on Sunday.

Ed Davey MP, spoke out in the House of Commons after being asked about the 35-metre turbine collapsing at East Ash Farm, in Bradworthy in the early hours of Sunday.

Mr Davey said: “Clearly, people who develop and run and maintain wind farms, as with any sort of industrial installation, have to make sure that they are fit and aren’t a danger to the public.

“Otherwise various authorities will come down on them and they will find themselves liable.”

Both Dulas Ltd, the company who installed the turbine, and the Health and Safety Executive are investigating the incident.

Bob Barfoot, from the Devon branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, who is also a planning consultant and engineer, said he has never seen a similar incident occur.

He said: “This is very worrying, you see turbines catch fire or lose blades more regularly but I don’t think I have seen one like this before.

“Not having investigated it myself I don’t know what has caused it but it has obviously collapsed from the bottom of the tower.

“We are now all just waiting to see the outcome of the investigations which will be revealed at some point.

“I think this will make landowners have second thoughts about installing a turbine though.”

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/02/01/wind-turbines-must-not-be-a-danger-to-the-public-warns-energy-secretary-ed-davey/