January 30, 2013
Letters, New York

Churubusco turbine noise

Press Republican | January 30, 2013 | pressrepublican.com

Town officials, hang your heads in shame for treating the people of Churubusco without respect.

When will the town officials that are in office in the Town of Clinton in Churubsco wake up and take the money-filled blindfolds off green-filled eyes.

Before the startup of Marble River Vesta’s wind turbine 500 feet high, I asked the town wind committee, how are you going to be able to determine what company is making the noise? I asked for a noise compliance test be done before Marble River Turbines were built to clearly test Noble turbines for compliance to noise levels. It was denied.

Now Marble River’s turbine are on line. The noise is compounded with Noble’s turbine noise levels. The noise and the sun flicker on people’s homes is clearly abuse of the people in their homes.

The wind town law of 50 decimals is not acceptable. This law must be changed to protect the people.

I challenge the town officials. Do your job: Amend the town wind law to 35 decimals; protect the people’s rights.



URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/01/30/cherubusco-turbine-noise/