November 9, 2012

Mast to be built as wind farm research steps up

Peterborough Telegraph | 9 November 2012 |

Plans to build a 70-metre high, meteorological mast near Peterborough which will measure wind speed as part of research into the energy park bid, have been approved.

The decision was voted through by a majority of seven to one during a meeting of Peterborough City Council’s planning committee on Tuesday (6 November).

The mast will be built on fields off the B1443 Bukehorn Road, near Newborough, and will measure windspeed and rainfall in order to gain a picture of the meteorological conditions of the area.

This data will form part of the study carried out by Aecom on behalf of Peterborough City Council to assess the suitabilty of the site.

Planning permission was sought for a temporary one-year period for the steel tube constructed mast.

The committee’s report said: “It is unlikely that the mast will have any signifacnt landscape or visual impact, due to its narrow width, significant distance from neighbouring sites and roads and as it is temporary.

“It is not considered that the mast would significantly reduce the amenity of any surrounding sites, by way of being overbearing or overshadowing.

“However, there may be some additional noise and disturbance and traffic movements during the construction period.

“But this is not at a level that would be significantly harmful to any neighbouring sites.”

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