September 26, 2012
Letters, Massachusetts

Encounter with turbine

Falmouth Enterprise September 25, 2012

After reading about all the health objections to Falmouth’s wind turbines, I decided to investigate for myself. Let me say that I am in favor of renewable energy, and feel that wind turbines are a creative answer to our energy problems. We certainly have lots of wind here on the Cape.

Upon driving up to the turbine on Technology Park Drive, I was impressed with its size and beauty. This is an impressive structure, towering over the surrounding landscape. And it’s relatively quiet. I really couldn’t see what all the fuss was about, until my wife informed me that we would have to leave—she had become nauseous “from watching the turbine blades spin.”

The problem was that I had a definite feeling of nausea, and I had been simply reading the sign explaining the energy created by this magnificent machine. Needless to say, we got back in our car and exited post haste.

Anyone wondering why neighbors are complaining, simply take a drive out to Technology Park Drive and wait a few minutes.

I must say, I am quite grateful that I live miles away. PS. I spend a lot of time on my boat, at times in rough weather, and never get seasick. Last time I felt these symptoms was after a meal in Mexico—and I’m pretty sure I know the cause of that.

R. William Mason
Acapesket Road
East Falmouth

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