September 3, 2012
Letters, Scotland

Nathro Hill: lack of detail draws objection

The Courier | 3 September 2012

In response to the misleading article concerning the potential effects of Eurowind’s Nathro Hill windfarm proposal, the Esk Board and Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust would respond as follows.

The board, in its statutory capacity to protect salmon and sea trout stocks, highlighted its concerns in March 2011 when the scoping report was published.

The current application, while accepting some of the points raised by the board, does not, in the opinion of the board (and trust) provide sufficient assurances concerning specific actions required to ensure that the development will not impact on important spawning and nursery burns in the North Esk catchment.

The fact that the windfarm is located near the ridge is immaterial as its influence, unless stringent measures are imposed, will be evident in such burns as the Paphrie and Calletar which flow into the West Water and subsequently the North Esk.

Windfarms during their construction, operation and decommissioning can have an adverse effect on water courses through the mobilisation of silt arising from drainage, road construction and traffic.

All these factors can lead to decreased peat stability.

In view of the lack of detail concerning methods and a plan to prevent damage to salmon stocks in the current environmental impact assessment, the board, supported by the trust, have objected to the development.

Tom Sampson.
Esks Rivers and Fisheries Trust.
Mains of Balgavies,

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