July 26, 2012

Protest planned at SDG&E’s Sunrise Powerlink substation “celebration” Thursday in East County

East County Magazine | eastcountymagazine.org 24 July 2012

Opponents of Sunrise Powerlink and massive industrial energy projects proposed to tie into the line are encouraging the public to join a protest on Thursday, July 26 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.

While SDG&E’s invited dignitaries including Governor Jerry Brown celebrate completion of the new Suncrest Substation just east of Alpine, protesters will gather outside at Interstate 8 and Japatul Valley Road just east of Alpine.

“SDG&E and their enablers need to be reminded at every opportunity that their unnecessary and destructive Sunrise Powerlink and Suncrest Substation and similar projects, are unnecessary and destroy our San Diego back county, rural communities and the desert,” states a message from groups opposing the project.

The release continues, “There are far better options to120 mile-long transmission lines such as roof top solar in the already built environment. SDG&E’s Sunrise Powerlink is directly related to the destruction of 20 square miles of beautiful Ocotillo desert and the ruination of the small community of Ocotillo.”

SDG&E calls the new 500 kV substation a “state-of-the-art electric facility that is a vital element of the Sunrise Powerlink.”

Details & instructions: Park at the Park & Ride lot at the northwest corner of the I-8 and Japatul Valley Road (exit 40 coming from the east; also says Cuyamaca State Park, Highway 79)

Walk south on Japatul Valley Road, under I-8, to the south side of the freeway where the off-ramp connects with Japatul Valley Road.

The protest has been organized by the Protect Our Communities Foundation, Backcountry Against Dumps, and the Desert Protective Council.

Organizers say they checked with the County and no permit is needed to exercise their First Amendment rights. The Sheriff’s Department will place cones at the location to keep protesters safe. Protesters are advised to stay out of traffic lanes.

Protesters are encouraged to bring signs. Weather will be hot, so water is advised. You may also wish to bring hats, sunscreen, lawn chairs or umbrellas.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2012/07/26/protest-planned-at-sdges-sunrise-powerlink-substation-celebration-thursday-in-east-county/