June 20, 2012
Letters, Michigan

Look beyond windmills; they’re ugly intrusions

www.lansingstatejournal.com 19 June 2012

Regarding the article “Harvesting the wind,” (LSJ, May 21). Surely with all our many other resources of energy supply, we can do better. Who wants to look at those “arms on stilts” in our peaceful countryside? Not me. I move out of town to enjoy a non-visually polluted landscape. I doubt windmill efficiency is worth all the other costs – bird destruction, aviation hazard, as well as looking ugly. Is this just another government-promoted crackpot idea for we taxpayers to fund? Who needs more noise in their backyard anyway. They (windmills) are ugly, ugly intrusions.

M. Mossholder

Eaton Rapids

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2012/06/20/look-beyond-windmills-theyre-ugly-intrusions/