May 8, 2012
Illinois, Letters

Other nations have tough rules on wind energy 8 May 2012

I’ve seen articles on wind plants but with a lot of misconceptions and untruths spread by a few who have financial gain. They seem to not show the whole truth for their own profit at the cost of others. Very unethical. Why do they hide the 1,208 accidents and 89 deaths? Visit on the Internet.

They don’t tell you about the countries finally accepting that industrial wind turbines pose a significant public safety risk.

In New Zealand, the government has changed planning rules to give residents the right to veto wind turbines from being built within 2 kilometers of their homes.

In Australia, the Victorian government has set guidelines forbidding wind turbine construction closer than 2 kilometers to houses.

In Scotland, a 2-kilometer guideline is in place between large wind farm developments and communities.

In Canada, the Ontario government has declared a moratorium on offshore-wind projects and has proposed a reduction of wind turbine noise from 40 decibels to 30-32 decibels, which effectively extends the setback distance from homes.

In 2011, wind plants took $24 billion in subsidies from us, the taxpayers.

Did you know wind is No. 7 on the list of renewables because of cost and low output? Power companies are not really stupid. If you were a power company and had to pick a renewable, would you pick one that ensured your company would not be affected? And they did.

Wind energy is only 30 percent efficient. Look at small hydro dams along rivers just like the Rock River that are 90 percent efficient.

In Illinois, the Farm Bureau estimates farmers will use an additional $3 million in insecticides this year because of the thousands of bats killed. Pretty healthy and green, huh – and there’s much more.

Sorry … not what I want for my grandchildren, not at all.

Wayne A. Larson, Harmon

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