April 5, 2012
Colorado, Letters

Wind power is not a viable energy source without subsidies

The Daily Sentinel, www.gjsentinel.com 4 April 2012

On the front page of The Daily Sentinel April 3 is an amazing story about how misdirected our energy policy is. First, the article says without tax credits wind energy projects are being held back. Second, the lack of this tax credit, at the expense of all tax payers, is affecting this company’s wind energy business. This company, just happens to be headquartered in France. And third, our country’s problems are compounded by the sympathy shown for this company from our own Senator Bennet.

This tells me that wind power is not a viable energy source without government subsidizes and artificial support. Why do I want to support a company with headquarters in France, with my tax dollars, to create an energy source that cannot stand on its own? What kind of representation are we getting if our own senator supports this?

In case after case, wind energy does not decrease carbon dioxide emissions. As a rule for every megawatt of wind power, an equivalent size backup system (coal or gas) of electrical generation must be available to account for the extreme variability in wind power generation. Wind farms occupy an enormous amount of land for the power they generate. A wind farm will use 45 times the land that a nuclear plant does for the same capacity.

The list goes on and on. No wonder the only way wind power makes sense is if you and I support the industry through tax donations (industrial welfare).

Speaking for myself, I have better things to direct my tax dollars toward than a French compnay building inefficient wind turbines. Sen. Bennet may speak French, but I don’t.


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2012/04/05/wind-power-is-not-a-viable-energy-source-without-subsidies/