April 5, 2012
Letters, Ontario

April 3rd protest in Toronto: a people’s protest!

Lorrie Gillis

When the wind industry decided hold a Feed-In Tariff convention for April 3rd and 4th, people started talking about kicking it off with a protest!

And on April 3rd, you all made it happen!

Costumes, carefully crafted signs, balloons and props were clear and poignant in message! You traveled from every corner of the province and even from New York and Ohio to help raise awareness for urbanites and to let the wind industry and govt. know that we are not going away.

Speakers at Simcoe Park were a brilliant choice of the best of the best and drew major media attention. (Thanks Sherri!)

We made quite a splash on the 3rd and news reports rippled across the entire country!

To all the people who missed a day’s work, to farmfolk who left a REAL farm at this busy time of year and to all the rest of you who set aside a day to come to protest against government and industry in partnership, be proud that you stood up and spoke out!

It was rejuvenating for all of us to know that our numbers continue to grow!

Go to http://ontario-wind-resistance.org/2012/04/03/heading-to-the-protest/ [or below] for pictures of the estimated 800 to 1,000 who attended. Rollcall listed over 70 places we call home!

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2012/04/05/april-3rd-protest-in-toronto-a-peoples-protest/