March 28, 2012

Neglected roads blight on country Vic

Kate Dowler, The Weekly Times, 28 March 2012

Ask any country Victorian what they think needs attention in their region and “fix the bloody roads” is the common refrain.

From Minimay to Mallacoota, people living beyond the bounds of Melbourne’s CBD lament the state of some local tracks.

The Municipal Association of Victoria has labelled road funding as local councils’ number one worry wart, but has given the state government a pat on the back for contributing $1 million to rural councils.

In the south west, wind farm construction is causing locals big headaches.

Moyne Shire Council mayor Jim Doukas said construction of the 140-turbine Macarthur wind farm would cost VicRoads $80 million to fix ruined roads.

“And they’re talking about returning some of our roads back to gravel, which is crazy, VicRoads roads are our state’s main roads,” he said.

School buses had been forced to stop travelling some roads because they were too dangerous, Mr Doukas said.

“The wind farm companies, state and federal governments need to come up with a plan to fix this.. we hear a lot about clean and green energy but we don’t hear about funding.”

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