March 3, 2012
England, Letters

We’re urging councillors to fight our corner

Grantham Journal, 3 March 2012

In the Grantham Journal of February 17th you kindly published a letter from our Action Group regarding the recently erected wind turbine at Frinkley Farm and the proposed wind farm at Lodge Farm,Carlton Scroop.

Despite the strenuous objections of residents, we now understand that SKDC’s Planning Officer is recommending approval of the Carlton Scroop development at the Planning Committees meeting on March 6th.

The many residents of Carlton Scroop and Normanton who objected to this application are devastated by this recommendation, and have contacted all of SKDC Councillors asking them to place the concerns of residents and taxpayers ahead of those of both overseas corporate interests, who have no interest in maintaining the beauty of the Lincolnshire landscape, and local businesses which place taxpayer subsidised financial gain ahead of the quality of the local environment.

Whilst currently such developments in South Kesteven seem to be focused on the area north of Grantham, approval of the Carlton development by a corporately compliant council is likely to open the floodgates for further similar proposals, in all probability severely impacting the thus far visually unspoilt countryside south of Grantham, and in particular close to both Stamford and Bourne.

At the behest of the Prime Minister, and following vigorous opposition by over 100 government MPs, central government is now rethinking both the cost effectiveness and community benefits of such proposals, and in future the views of local residents are likely to receive much greater legislative support when the merits of proposed wind turbine developments are being assessed.

However, much environmental damage could occur before further legislation is enacted, and we are calling upon all SKDC Councillors to take a bold lead by supporting local residents – their electorate – in the fight against developments which are detrimental to the local landscape and focused purely on achieving quick financial returns funded by taxpayers and already hard-pressed energy users.


Carlton Scroop and Normanton Action on Wind Turbines

07717637565 –

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