March 3, 2012
Maine, Massachusetts

Wellesley stepping up renewable energy effort

By BBrown, The Swellesley Report, 2 March 2012

Those of you heading to the Wellesley Recycling & Disposal Facility this weekend be forewarned: Wellesley Municipal Power Plant, the Sustainable Wellesley and the Town’s Sustainable Energy Committee will be pushing a program to get you to switch at least some of your energy use to renewable sources (primarily via the Spruce Mountain wind farm in Maine). Light-hearted signs will be erected to encourage you to get down to some serious environmental business.

Doing so will cost a bit extra ($3.40 a month for a typical home using 850 kw hrs per month), though of course the long term payoff according to proponents is a safer and cleaner environment. WMLP says its program makes dedicating a portion of your energy supply to renewable sources hassle-free at or by calling Customer Service at 781 235-7600 X 3360. You can cancel at any time by contacting the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant.

WMLP’s Dick Joyce says the current goal to increase enrollment in the Municipal Light Plant’s voluntary renewable energy program by 50%, from 600 today to 900 within the next month or two.

Meanwhile, you can vote here to help select lawn signs that will be created for the Power to Choose campaign.

Below students from that bastion of acting studies, Babson College, do their part to promote the campaign.

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