January 13, 2012
Denmark, Letters

Kæmpevindmøllerne – en dødssejler [Giant wind turbines – a non-starter]

Jyllands-Posten, jp.dk 13 January 2012

I avisernes økonomiske spalter – en lukket verden – undrer man sig over, at det går krebsens gang for Vestas. Er det så mærkeligt?

Vestas har (haft) mange danske investorer, der har tjent godt. I takt med at tiltagende mange naboer til kæmpevindmøller på land er blevet syge og har måttet rejse fra hus og hjem i Danmark – og også i mange andre lande (USA, Canada, Storbritannien, Australien, New Zealand mv.) – har rygtet spredt sig om møllernes sygdomsvirkninger, ringe effektivitet, havarier og backup-krav.

Der kører et stigende antal retssager. Mange kommuner har indset, at de efter sundhedsloven er ansvarlige for borgernes helbred – et hensyn, som Miljøstyrelsen og mølleindustrien ikke tager. Det bliver dyrt for kommunerne.

Alt dette indhenter nu Vestas. Skil jer af med de aktier, og stop produktion, salg og opstilling af de store landvindmøller, mens legen er god.

Mauri Johansson, speciallæge, Sportsvej 17, Bording

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Giant wind turbines – a non-starter

The newspapers’ economic columns – a closed world – often wonder why the economy goes the wrong way for Vestas. Is it so strange?

Vestas has (had) many Danish investors whom it served well. As the growing number of neighbors to giant onshore wind turbines in Denmark have been sickened and had to leave their homes – and in many other countries (USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) – rumors have spread about the turbines’ ill health effects, poor performance, breakdowns, and backup requirements.

A growing number of lawsuits are running. Many municipalities have realized under the Health Act they are responsible for public health – a responsibility that the environment ministry and the turbine industry would not take on. It will be costly for municipalities.

All this now affects Vestas. Get rid of the shares and stop production, sale, and installation of large onshore wind turbines, While the going is good.

Mauri Johansson, specialist in community medicine
Sportsvej 17, Bording, Denmark

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2012/01/13/kaempevindmollerne-en-dodssejler-giant-wind-turbines-a-non-starter/