November 2, 2011

Residents remain divided over wind power

by Lauren Amstutz, 1 November 2011

BENZIE CO. – Almost a year after Duke Energy proposes a wind turbine project in parts of Benzie County, commissioners discuss whether or not to formally support that type of alternative energy.

A resolution before Benzie County Commissioners would not give the county more power over energy decisions and does not impact Duke Energy’s plans at all. If passed it would just officially show the county’s support behind wind power. It’s a topic that has put residents at odds with each other for months.

More than a dozens residents spoke on both sides of the issue, but in the end commissioners decided to form a committee and re-write the resolution.

Commissioners will vote on the the revised resolution on December 20th.

Many residents have already signed land leases with Duke Energy. The company will not build any turbines until an agreement with a utility is signed.

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