August 26, 2011
England, Letters

County too precious to spoil

Northumberland Gazette, 26 August 2011

RE the letter published last week from John Carr-Ellison on the thorny subject of the proposed wind turbine at New Bewick, everything he says makes perfect sense.

I have already written to the county council planning department with my own outlined objection and trust that a prime target for the development of like-minded objectors will do the same. It is of paramount importance that objectors make their strong feelings known to the appropriate authority to add weight to the collective argument.

The current planning system for the erection of sole turbines such as this that blight our countryside has created a monetary inducement from the developer to the landowner on whose land they wish to build their monstrous carbuncle. And, with a government subsidy paid to the developer, then it isn’t perhaps so surprising that these projects find the momentum they do when more often than not they should never get off the ground with their dubious benefits to the production of clean energy production.

North Northumberland must be considered a prime target for the development of on-shore wind turbines. It would take several further column inches in this newsapaper to detail every application that has been submitted in recent years in Northumberland alone.

I am not a nimby. I simply believe that our countryside is sacrosanct and must never be despoiled for future generations or for short-term financial gain to landowners, directors or shareholders of any company engaged in the windfarm business.

Our countryside is precious and Northumberland can lay claim to some of the finest. Let us try to keep it that way.

Peter Younger

Farm Cottages, Wooperton

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