August 10, 2011

RCA suspends Fire Island wind farm 9 August 2011

The Regulatory Commission of Alaska has suspended the tariff filing for the Fire Island wind farm. Under the order, issued Monday, the RCA raised concerns that Chugach Electric Association did not adequately address concerns raised by comments on the tariff filing, and has suspended the matter until February 8, 2012.
Municipal Light and Power raised concerns that approval of the Fire Island wind farm could negatively impact the Railbelt grid. Other objections filed with the commission were related to initial rate increases, and environmental impacts.
A final order on the tariff filing is due no later than March 19th of next year, but the RCA says they will expedite the matter. Any interested person who would like to file a petition to intervene in the matter must do so no later than 1:30 p.m. August 11th, with a prehearing conference set to start at that time at the RCA headquarters.

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