July 26, 2011

Melrose pursues study for Mount Hood wind turbine

Kathy McCabe, www.boston.com 25 July 2011

The city has issued a request for qualifications for an engineering services firm to conduct a feasibility study of a wind turbine proposed for Mount Hood Golf Course.

An area near the 13th hole has been identified for the turbine.

The city’s energy commission has said it prefers a turbine large enough to power the clubhouse at the course, plus three elementary schools.

The request for qualifications paperwork are available in the park superintendent’s office at the course, located at 100 Slayton Road. The submission deadline is Aug. 5.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2011/07/26/melrose-pursues-study-for-mount-hood-wind-turbine/