May 18, 2011

Judge orders wind farm in Lleida to be demolished 17 May 2011

A judge has ordered that most of a 33 windmill wind farm be demolished in Lleida, considering that the municipal licence awarded for its construction to be null.

The wind farm is in the Sierra del Tallat, and the order to demolish comes following the complaint from the protest group ‘Salvem El Tallat’, They criticised the visual impact of the windmills and their effect on migratory birds, and notes an environmental study from Barcelona University which declares the sierra to be important.

The Town Hall in Vallbona de les Monges has now been ordered to return the land to its original state.

The farm started to generate 49.5 MW of power from its 80m high windmills at the end of 2007 after an investment of 50 million, and the company concerned says it will appeal to the Catalan High Court.

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