April 28, 2011
Letters, Massachusetts

Where did we begin not to care?

The Register, www.wickedlocal.com 28 April 2011The Register, www.wickedlocal.com 28 April 2011

Recently we have all seen how nasty things can get when people don’t agree with each other.

The current controversy over wind turbines has turned neighbors against each other and called into question the integrity of most of the local governments involved. Rules and procedures are being violated, closed sessions and meetings are being held, and citizens seeking information regarding process are often not given the proper information.

And you have to ask yourself … what is the driving force behind this wind controversy. As usual, the driving force is the money on the table. There are sizable subsidies involved and there is a lot of money to be made in leasing and selling power to the grid. And make no mistake about it, there is no benefit to the consumer who will pay inflated energy bills buying back what little power was generated. My question is … when did we get to the point that we will allow harm to be done to our neighbors and the Cape so that other people can line their coffers?

First of all, wind energy is highly inefficient and is not the best green technology choice as it relies on traditional non-green sources to fuel its downtimes. Big corporations are backing away from wind turbine development and investors in wind are also taking a hard, second look as more performance data becomes available. In a densely populated area such as the Cape, it poses health risks in terms of sound and flicker as well as from the chemicals and fuels that reside in the machinery and bases. It also poses threats to wildlife, conservation areas and our tourist industry.

Why should you care about wind turbines in someone else’s town? You should care because if the initiatives that are underway in Brewster and Dennis (it was defeated in Dennis Tuesday night) should pass, you could end up with a turbine closer to you than you could imagine. Individual businesses could be putting 242-foot turbines on your beach. Turbine placement could become the jurisdiction of the selectmen of our towns with no public voice considered at any point. Worse yet, the jurisdiction could go to the state level where the Cape will certainly suffer.

Virginia Giuliani


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2011/04/28/where-did-we-begin-not-to-care/