April 27, 2011
Indiana, Letters

Wrong location for wind farm

www.busconews.com 27 April 2011www.busconews.com 27 April 2011

Wind Farm in Whitley County? Wrong location.

I’m all for green energy. One of the largest wind farms in the country is in Benton County, Indiana. There’s open farm land. Not residential properties. Open farm land and wind turbines. I’ve been there. It looked “correct.”

On April 4, a pro wind article in the Post & Mail pictured an old farm windmill in the foreground with wind turbines in the background. They appeared to be the same size. As we all know, old windmills are about 30 feet tall. These wind turbines can be over 400 feet tall. That’s taller than the Statue of Liberty. Taller than Fort Wayne’s tallest building. Why are the pro wind people trying to deceive the citizens of Whitley County? I believe they think we’re stupid.

We are being told these turbines make as much noise as a refrigerator. That may be true if you lived in the refrigerator 24-7. I’ve found lots of negative feedback from people living near wind turbines. Look online for “wind turbine noise,” “negative health effects from wind turbines,” “shadow flicker.” The power produced by the turbines does not stay in Whitley County. But the loss of property value will stay as long as the turbines stand. I’ve read as much as 40 percent loss in property value.

Negative health effects? Some people get migraines living near turbines. Some people can’t sleep. There is infrasound that negatively affects people’s health.

Shadow Flicker. Wildlife? I hope you like mosquitoes, because the turbine blades kill bats. Bats eat thousands of mosquitoes. But back to Benton Co. They have a population density of about 21 people per square mile, while Whitley County is 98 people per square mile. Benton County’s population is actually decreasing while almost all other counties in Indiana the population increases. Why are they trying to take over a more populated farming and residential community? If the wind turbines come here, “quality of life” goes out the window for the non-participating property owners.

Negative health effects. Negative quality of life. Loss of property value. Our government should be protecting its citizens FROM these things.

Joe Arnold,

Columbia City

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2011/04/27/wrong-location-for-wind-farm/