March 8, 2011
Delaware, Letters

Lewes should protect well-being of citizens 8 March 2011

The recent survey on the wind turbine was a bit skewed.

The question should have been: How do you feel about a 400-foot wind turbine in your backyard that keeps you awake at night with the constant noise and has further devalued your home? Also, you are not certain about the effects it has on your health. This is an invasion into one’s home. So do you still love it, hate it or don’t care?

Property taxes in Lewes have almost doubled in recent years while property values are still decreasing. Other fees have also increased and I am sure no one else is getting a break on their building permit as the city gave to the University of Delaware. So what are we getting for this increase because the city is certainly not protecting the wellbeing of its citizens by allowing this turbine to be built in our backyards. Nor was it transparent about the dealings it had with the university.
Will any of the people who think the turbine is just great ever realize any benefit?
Virginia Lewis

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