March 4, 2011
Letters, Maine

Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark

Rumford Falls Times, 4 March 2011

At last night’s (Thursday, Feb. 24) wind ordinance workshop, for those of us who are familiar with the issues, having to listen to the unfounded and unchallenged rantings of Mr.Belanger was quite disheartening.

For Mr. Sterling to think that Mr. Rand, a board certified acoustician, is biased, is the most idiotic statment I ever heard in a longtime.

For those of you who were there at his presentation at the Muskie Auditorium, Mr. Rand used his instruments to show that in order to get to a sound level from wind turbines to 40 decibels at the property line (as recommended by the World Health organization, the French Academy of Medicine and countless other health autorities and agencies) it takes a distance of one mile. His instruments, his scientific knowledge and integrity were used, not his bias. It is as if I would be labelled biased by the tobacco company for proving that tobacco causes lung disease and cancer.

For seven months, Mr. Adley sat in on and participated in the initial wind turbine ordinance. He was exposed to the multiple complex issues that were involved with that process. Yet now he behaves like he has no clue about what the noise regulations, setbacks, economic issues, etc. are, even though he endorsed them to be presented to the voters.

Such behavior is an insult to those who worked diligently for countless hours to come up with a document that would protect Rumford citizens from adverse health, economic and environmental issues.

There are now three projects up and running in the state, according to the “state model” and there are serious issues with each of them and in each instance there are lawsuits going on. The state’s own sound consultant, Warren Brown, stated that the state model failed the people in Vinalhaven. Is this the legacy the selectmen want to leave the town?

It is amazing and pathetic to watch how those three selectmen are tiptoeing if not downright groveling around the sensibilities of the wind industry.

By their actions last night, the Rumford selectmen have shown their inability to lead and to make what is right for Rumford and the River Valley either by lack of knowledge, an inferiority complex, the grey suits of the wind industry or worse.

At least Mr. Buccina has the knowledge and the conviction to protect the town’s citizens; unfortunately he is preaching in a desert.

I personally challenge anyone supporting the wind industry in a public debate so that interested citizens can get informed about the merits or lack thereof of a wind turbine industrial implantation in our area.

Albert Aniel, MD


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