December 31, 2010
Letters, Oregon

End SIP negotiations

The Observer, 31 December 2010

Where are our politicians when it comes to supporting the wishes of their constituents? Regrettably, they are charging ahead with their own agenda while ignoring the people who have put them in office.

The recent ballot measure 31-75 mandated “no” against the proposed Antelope Ridge Wind Farm, but our local politicians are continuing to have meetings with Horizon Wind behind closed doors to negotiate the terms of a Strategic Investment Program. There should be no further meetings, no SIP.

It appears that with the change of commissioners effective the first of the year, the SIP could be rammed through if Commissioner Davidson gets his way and newly elected Commissioner Rosholt votes to approve.

Since Mr. Rosholt was on the SIP negotiating committee with Commissioner Davidson, this could be a possibility. Our best hope is that Commissioners McClure and Rosholt will take heed of the mandate the people clearly sent and start 2011 on a positive step.

Horizon Wind has continued to throw large amounts of money at getting the SIP approved. According to Orestar, the State Elections Division, they have now provided funding in excess of $369,000 through Yes 31-75. Who is benefiting from all this money?

It is not surprising Horizon can spend this kind of money to defeat the people of Union County since our federal and state governments have provided millions of our taxpayer money to Horizon in the past year.

The people are outraged with the continual secrecy and the total disregard of the mandate they handed down. The consequences of the approval of an unpopular SIP could be far reaching in the next six months. Isn’t it time that our politicians listen to the people and quit doing the bidding of the wind farm developers? Write, call or visit them and let your voice be heard. No SIP.

Dennis Wilkinson


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