December 15, 2010
Letters, Massachusetts

Find appropriate places for wind turbines

Pembroke Wicked Local Plymouth, 15 December 2010

The jury is still out on the cost effectiveness of wind turbines, cumbersome transmission infrastructure, maintenance costs, $14 million for a farm of 10 at Brodie Mountain in the Berkshires and they have already told us that when the Cape Wind Farm is on line our cost per kilowatt-hour is going up.

But if this is the new bandwagon the town has decided to jump on, the very least they can do is present a brief that is not a mishmash of metaphors and sophomoric comparisons to the Eiffel Tower. One Planning Board member insists that even the Eiffel Tower was unwanted when first proposed – true of most new significant art and sculpture, but the last I heard, the Eiffel Tower was not casting huge storm-like shadows and strobing light across the Champs de Mars. Come to think of it, isn’t France 85 percent nuclear powered? I doubt whether the board members have actually stood by a turbine on a sunny day and listened to the roar of these machines. It is quite unsettling and can make a person nauseous.

Look, the answer is quite simple, Plymouth is huge, there are plenty of areas that can accommodate turbines without turning peoples lives inside out. Make sure the boundaries are well beyond compliance, live and let live. Thank you.

Stephen H. Holland

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