October 17, 2010
Indiana, Letters

Not fan of wind farm idea

Evening News and Tribune, newsandtribune.com 17 October 2010

I have some major concerns about the proposed wind farm the New Albany-Floyd County School Board is considering.

First of all, the School Board should be in the business of educating our children and not considering participating in a wild scheme like a wind farm. Indiana law determines how to invest government funds and being in the wind farm business is not allowed. This is why the School Board is considering using a revenue bond. This is their way to circumvent the law. If this scheme fails, we are on the hook for years to come.

Businesses look for profitable projects and not wild schemes. If this proposed wind farm were such a great idea, private business would fund this project and not involve the School Board. Fools gold always shines the brightest.

When speaking about potential profits, Deputy Superintendent Snyder doesn’t mention inflation, maintenance and outdated technology. Does anyone really believe the wind farm technology of today will still be in use 25-years from now?

A 25-year investment in this type of technology is foolhardy to say the least.

I can only hope the School Board reconsiders their involvement in this scheme. They were elected to be good stewards of our tax money and putting all of us in debt for such a foolhardy project, is a failure of our trust.

— Billy Stewart, Georgetown

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2010/10/17/not-fan-of-wind-farm-idea/