September 23, 2010

Groups against wind turbines hold meeting

Written by Shawn Loughlin,

Several anti-wind turbine citizen groups in Huron County came together to send a message to the province – we don’t want wind turbines here without the research to back them up.
Central Huron Against Turbines (CHAT), Huron East Against Turbines (HEAT) and Huron Against Lakeside Turbines (HALT) held a public meeting about the effects of industrial turbine arrays that are popping up across Huron County, at the Regional Equine and Agricultural Centre of Huron (REACH).
Headlined by the Former Dean of Medicine at The University of Western Ontario, Dr. Robert McMurtry, who has presented information that throws into the question of the safety of wind turbines to both the province and his own community, the event focused on the possible presence of more wind turbines in Huron County and Ontario.
McMurtry quoted his Hippocratic oath first, stating that, as a doctor, and as a human being, he seeks to help others, not hinder them.
“I am a doctor. I care about people’s well being,” he said. “‘First, do no harm’, and we seem to have lost track of that.”
McMurtry shared his own story, where he wanted to build a wind turbine, so he started researching it. Eventually, he realized there are no regulations placed on the turbines from the medical standpoint.
He urged his local municipality to create regulations based on medical tests, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.
McMurtry said that individuals in the wind turbine business have even stated that there needs to be more tests.
“Four things need to be measured,” he said. “The intensity of the sound, or decibels… the time of exposure to the sound… the pitch of the sound… [and] the effect that the sound has on people.”
McMurtry went on to state that people are being put in harm’s way, and that the harmful health effects that these industrial turbines are creating are being felt, and reported, globally.
Originally, McMurtry found it difficult to find individuals who would support his cause, but stated that, now that the information has been coming forward, he has doctors, lawyers, experts, psychologists and other professionals signing on with his desire to have more tests done before any more wind turbine arrays can be placed.
“The number of disciplines that are supporting us is extraordinary,” he said. “We’re spread across the world, we have teleconferences with people from the United States, the United Kingdom, Romania, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Australia, Poland [and others].”

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