September 3, 2010
New Jersey

Anti-wind power rally draws crowd at local wind farm

Nichelle Polston, 2 September 2010

ATLANTIC CITY—Thursday morning two non- profit groups came and protested a new law called the “Offshore Wind Economic Development Act,” claiming it could possibly force every electric company in the state to raise their rates.

“Americans for Prosperity” and “Liberty and Prosperity” spoke against offshore wind turbines outside the Atlantic County Utilities Authority windmill site.
Officials say the state is currently involved in a cap and trade program called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, that will eventually force electric bills to go up almost 90 percent in the years to come.

Dennis Mohan from the non-profit group, “Liberty and Prosperity” said, “As a local business vice president, we pay thousands of dollars, to have this go up 90 percent over next few years is a killer.

In the meantime, leaders from both groups told NBC 40, people should take a closer look at the their utility bills and question the “Societal Benefits” charge and “Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.”

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