August 30, 2010
Letters, Maine

No wind power backer agrees to debate

Kennebec Journal, 30 August 2010

About six weeks ago, I submitted a letter to the newspaper inviting proponents and opponents of industrial wind development on Maine mountaintops to publicly debate the issue.

I have received responses from opponents, but none from former Gov. Angus King or any other proponents. I name King here because recent media attention has been given to this subject, and he has been mentioned as an ardent supporter of the industry.

I strongly urge King and other proponents of mountaintop industrial wind development to participate in a public debate about the subject. If they are confident of the veracity and basis of statements they have made about the benefits and advantages presented by industrial wind, then they need to support their position.

King’s critics charge that his sole motivation is greed, that he desires to line his pockets with millions of taxpayer dollars, and that mountaintop industrial wind is a horrendous mistake.

Also, claims have been made that he acted in collusion with the Baldacci administration to weaken Maine’s environmental laws and standards, which were developed long ago to protect our natural resources and quality of life, in order to advance his agenda. This was accomplished through the passage of L.D. 2283, the expedited siting law.

Proponents of mountaintop industrial wind development need to address these claims, and their failure to respond to this challenge leaves the public wondering if greater credence should be given to opponents’ allegations. They should agree to a debate in order to clarify the situation and address any misinformation that exists.

David Small


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