July 31, 2008
Letters, Wales

Wind farms get subsidies

Currently, the UK Government is looking at ways to curb the outrageous profit making of the UK energy companies taking advantage of the hike in gas and oil prices.An article (Post, July 26) reported that, according to Environment Agency Wales, greenhouse gas emissions in the Welsh energy sector have reduced by 30 per cent over the past 10 years. Another article in the above edition reported that the energy company Npower was once again trying to get planning permission for a massive wind farm on the mountains to the north of Swansea, namely Mynydd y Gwair.

This wind farm would be visible from Cefn Bryn, Swansea, the Brecon Beacons, South West Wales and mid Wales.

So much for the Assembly Government’s claim that only one per cent of Wales would be used by wind farms when the above wind farm alone could visually pollute 25 per cent of Wales. Npower knows that the vast majority of people do not want this wind farm yet it persists.

We, the public, subsidise such a wind farm with Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs), funded by our electricity bills. The UK government should scrap this ROC system rip-off as part of their move against energy company greed.

Jack Harris

Eaton Crescent


Evening Post

31 July 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/07/31/wind-farms-get-subsidies/