July 10, 2008

Welcome for E.On windfarm decision

E.ON has withdrawn from the eight turbine windfarm planned for Ferndale.

The project was jointly developed with the Arts Factory and was originally given planning permission in 2005.

The company halted plans after it feared that the project’s original design could potentially cause a noise nuisance to nearby homes.

But although E.ON has withdrawn from the project, other developers may carry on the project working with the Arts Factory.

Danny Shaw, head of new business for E.ON, said: “We certainly didn’t take this decision lightly but, as a responsible developer, we simply wouldn’t be willing to build a scheme that we thought had the potential to exceed acceptable noise limits.

“We’ve looked at a number of solutions to make this project work but, ultimately, we’ve determined that the largest scheme possible for the site would be under 5MW, which is not big enough to meet our criteria for new onshore wind developments.

“Though the project is no longer viable for us, other developers might be more than interested in joining Arts Factory to take this project forward.”

Rhondda AM Leighton Andrews said: “This windfarm plan was never popular with local people. I am pleased that the plans have now been dropped.”

Coun Paul Cannon, Cabinet member for economic development and housing, said: “We are very pleased to hear the news that E.On has announced that it no longer intends to continue to develop an eight-turbine windfarm near Ferndale.

“Members have felt that this was a controversial development for quite some time which is why they refused planning permission for the scheme although it later went to appeal at the Welsh Assembly Government and the decision was overturned. I’m sure that many residents of Ferndale are very happy with the news that it will no longer go ahead.”

Chris Bryant MP is also happy that the scheme has been halted.

He said: “I’m delighted that E.ON are withdrawing from it. I know a lot of people have been worried about it. I always suspected that it would never come to pass and now we effectively have that confirmation.”

by Kathryn Williams, Rhondda Leader


10 July 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/07/10/welcome-for-eon-windfarm-decision/