June 16, 2008
England, Letters

Censorship won’t wind turbine war

www.dissexpress.co.uk 16 June 2008

Credit to Enertrag for putting on the exhibition at Tivetshall on June 12, but there is a difference between education and indoctrination.

There was plenty of reading material but it was all pro-wind with nothing to show the other side or explain why the industry dismisses well researched findings if they conflict with their objectives (ie making money).

A Salford University report, commissioned by the Government to prove there’s no noise problem, was there.

A far more pertinent and independent report, which concluded that turbines should be separated from homes by at least 2km, by Frey & Hadden (acoustics engineers) was not.

The standard, outdated, information on shadow flicker was there. Yet the latest review by the University of Essex which concluded that the risk of epileptic and migraine attacks extends up to five miles away from such turbines, was not.

On that point, the Enertrag representative said only some homes would be affected by shadow flicker, sometimes, and that offending turbines could be turned off at those times.

How does that square with the increased emphasis on access to the countryside and therapeutic/ health benefits deriving?

The site has many paths so how will riders/walkers be protected from flicker? As one of three migraine sufferers in the family, how will I be protected but with my rights of access preserved?

The case for industrial wind turbines will not be won through censorship and avoiding difficult questions.

Local people have every right to ask these in the interests of their lives and health.

A similar point can be made on the efficiency of these monstrosities but space sadly precludes.

Nigel Taxil-Webber,

Harleston Road, Rushall

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/06/16/censorship-wont-wind-turbine-war/