May 20, 2008

Two sides of windfarm debate meet

Opponents and supporters of a proposed windfarm in South Lakeland came face to face at a heated public meeting tonight (Monday).

Casterton Parish Council, which was originally left out of the public consultation surrounding the Armistead windfarm near Old Hutton, heard from one of the key men behind the plans – as well as anti-windfarm action group FELLS at a meeting in the Village Hall.

Phil Dyke, managing director of Banks Renewables – the County Durham based company which is proposing to build six 100metre turbines on the land – built the firm’s case for wanting to develop the location before fielding a number of difficult questions from local residents – most of whom cast doubt over the efficiency of the renewable energy source.

Mike Hall, vice chairman of FELLS, levied further criticism during his presentation. He said it was “ludicrous” to expect Cumbria to home more windfarms. He also slammed Banks’ figures as “inaccurate”.

Mr Dyke said a final decision on the planning application could be reached as early as the end of June but that it was more likely to be September.

By Ellie Hargreaves

The Westmorland Gazette

19 May 2008

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