May 14, 2008
England, Letters

Real danger of turbines ruining our landscape

I refer to your article ‘When will enough be enough’ in connection with the decision by the Planning Committee to approve another seven wind turbines at Coldham a couple of weeks ago.

Not only was that a remark I made in speaking opposing this development at the committee, it was also a feeling coming from members of that committee.

In fact, Councillor Roger Green went even further, by stating at that committee, “I don’t want a time to come when our grandchildren will look around the Fens and everywhere they look they will see wind turbines. People will say the landscape is completely ruined by these turbines and who were the idiots who allowed all these to be built”.

Councillor Philip Hatton also added “that the landscape has already been ruined and that another seven turbines would, therefore not have a detrimental impact on the landscape”.

Am I missing something here? Is it not the duty of this planning committee to ensure that all developments are planned and controlled in a co-ordinated way?

The question all members of the Planning committee, and indeed the whole Council should be asking is, why did they not have a policy in place six years ago when they encouraged this type of major development to take place in the countryside?

There is a real danger now that Councillor Green’s worry could even apply to present day generations who will be asking the questions, who are these idiots?

Well said Councillor Green, you are expressing the thoughts and fears of an increasing number of residents, Parish Councils, and dare I say it, even some of your own council. Members.

The Laurels,

Fenland Citizen

14 May 2008

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