April 20, 2008
California, Letters

He's no environmentalist

After seeing what he’s done to my neighborhood, I too was disgusted to see Marion Ashley praised as an environmentalist by the local newspaper.

Thanks to Supervisor Ashley, instead of the beautiful mountain view I used to see, I now look onto huge, white windmills, that rarely turn, with bright lights that flash off and on all night. These are the same windmills his planning commission, the county planning department and the developer assured us repeatedly wouldn’t even be seen from Desert Hot Springs.

Worse yet, according to recent information from Southern California Edison, in 2006, all the windmills in the entire San Gorgonio Pass generated a minuscule 83 megawatts of the 13,000 Megawatts Edison uses annually in its service area. I deeply resent The Desert Sun editorializing about Ashley while failing to report how little power the windmills he keeps approving generate.

How can Ashley or anyone in their right mind possibly justify all these giant industrial machines and the terrible blight they’ve created when, in actual fact, they generate what could only be considered a negligible amount of power?

Kris E. Brown
Desert Hot Springs

Desert Sun

20 April 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/04/20/hes-no-environmentalist/