April 3, 2008
England, Letters

Not right site for turbines

We strongly disagree with the planned location of the Bleak House wind farm and are absolutely confused as to why wind farms have to be located next to a residential development, whilst more appropriate sites are available in Cannock Chase.

We do understand that Harworth Power Ltd is looking for more cost-effective way to generate more profit for their company. However, it should not be at the cost of the health of the local residents, especially children.As we understand, the local community will not be benefiting from generated electricity or reductions in cost.

Wind farms are a health hazard to people living near them because of the low-frequency noise that they emit, according to new medical studies. Turbines can cause headaches and depression among residents living up to a mile away.

In Denmark, where wind turbines were introduced as long as 30 years ago, the government has responded to public demand and stopped erecting onshore turbines because of noise hazard.

From previous complaints from residents the noise has been described ‘like a train that never gets there’, ‘a distant helicopter’ or a ‘thumping, rhythmical beat’.

Dr Amanda Harry, a Cornish GP who did the research, said: “People demonstrated a range of symptoms from headaches, migraines, nausea, dizziness, palpitations and tinnitus to sleep disturbance, stress, anxiety and depression. These symptoms had a knock-on effect in their daily lives, causing poor concentration, irritability and an inability to cope.”

Dr Harry said that low-frequency noise – which was used as an instrument of torture by the Germans during the Second World War because it induced headaches and anxiety attacks – could disturb rest and sleep at even very low levels.

A wind farm will be located, in the event of being permitted by the council, about 800 metres from Heath Hayes Primary School, which we find unacceptable and worrying for the health of local children.

We strongly advise the local authority to consider the psychoacoustic, health and visual factors, which are the main worry of Wimblebury and Heath Hayes residents, and select more appropriate site for a wind farm nowhere near residential developments.

We certainly understand the need for alternative energy, but also the health of local community should be the main concern and with that view Harworth Power should be investing more in moving wind farms away from local residents and not just considering profits.

We sincerely hope that the Cannock Chase Council’s planning team will take the views of local residents seriously and will not just go ahead with planning permission in order to benefit profits of a Yorkshire company.

We also hope that Cannock planners will do a better job for residents this time, unlike the incident with protests about a 3G mobile mast which was refused by the Chase council after our protest. However the council forgot to post decision on time and T-mobile still benefited from the construction of the mast.

We are sure if any of the planning team had the choice not to place a wind farm 800m away from their houses, all the above mentioned factors would be considered.

Wind farms should be only constructed offshore.

Mr & Mrs Thompson, Brisbane Way, Wimblebury.

Lichfield Mercury

3 April 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/04/03/not-right-site-for-turbines/