February 21, 2008

Site visit for wind farm inquiry

A site visit is taking place as part of a three-week public inquiry into a wind farm plan in the Scottish Borders.

The Fallago Rig wind farm site in Berwickshire will be inspected by the various parties involved in the inquiry, which is being held in Duns.

North British Windpower wants to build a total of 48 wind turbines in the Lammermuir Hills.

However, there has been opposition from local councils and from the Ministry of Defence due to radar concerns.

Closing submissions are due to be heard in the inquiry on Friday.

The proposal was rejected by Scottish Borders Council but was subsequently taken to appeal.

It will now be up to a Scottish Government Reporter to deliver his recommendation on the scheme.

BBC News

21 February 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/02/21/site-visit-for-wind-farm-inquiry/