February 15, 2008
England, Letters, Scotland

…and creeping, insidious noise

With regard to the suicides at Whitemoor prison, and their possible connection to wind turbines, I live in Scotland, and Scotland is being destroyed by wind farms.

Alongside other local residents, I will be speaking at a public inquiry which has been called to discuss the proposal to build a massive wind farm here in the beautiful historic countryside of South West Scotland.

The proposal to build wind turbines 325 feet high on top of a prominent ridge known as Blackcraig, will bring untold misery for those of us who live here.

Not just the destruction of our scenery, not just the fouling of the land for all time, not just the destruction of birds, bats and other wildlife, not just the pollution of our water supplies, but the creeping insidious noise, the beating threatening low level damning infrasound, below the threshold of hearing , will bring psychological and physiological misery.

For those of you who haven’t troubled yourselves to read the facts. Get on the internet. Read Dr Harry’s report. Read Dr Pierpont. Read Windwatch.

This money making machine – the subsidised wind farm industry – and the relentless pursuit of destruction for profit has absolutely nothing to do with saving carbon.

Good luck, Mr Watson and others, and I hope you can convince the Home Secretary that the noise from wind farms, both audible and below the threshold of hearing, (the vibration from infrasound) are indeed damaging to human beings. We need to protect all of us.


Bartaggart Cottage


Castle Douglas

Cambs Times

8 February 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/02/15/and-creeping-insidious-noise/