January 9, 2008
Australia, Letters

Wind farm warnings valid

Letter to the Weekly Times Editor

Andrew Newbold of $100 company Wind Power Pty Ltd, is “staggered” that the South Gippsland Shire has made sellers of land let potential buyers know of the detrimental effects the wind farm may have.

I would say that this shire is doing exactly the right thing. Why should the ratepayers be held liable for any legal action taken against the shire for failure to state the negative impacts of this ridiculous wind farm?

Why are the planning regulations so abysmal in regards to wind power?

How can these useless towers be allowed to be built so close to homes, when so much evidence says the health effects they cause through noise and infrasound can literally force families to leave their homes?

Act now Mr Brumby – the public wont be fooled by this green facade much longer. If you don’t, it’s sure to be the legal profession that does.

Richard Evans


Spa Country Landscape Guardians

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/01/09/wind-farm-warnings-valid/