January 9, 2008
Letters, Wales

Turbine issue gets gusty

Thank you for publishing my letter (Journal, Dec 5) supporting Lyn Jenkins in his fight to keep his coastal park tourism business from destruction by Cardiganshire Council’s proposals for a coastal right of way, giving the world free admission to his farm park.

This provoked an interesting response. I had a most abusive letter sent to me from a person using the false identity of D Rees, Parc y Big, Beulah, Carms.

On making inquiries with various contacts, it seems that the same abusive letter is being sent, more or less word for word, to anyone who opposes wind turbines. The connection here was that I supported Lyn Jenkins, who opposes wind turbines.

In any campaign, like-minded people build links. We who see the folly of wind turbines have a very loose network of links. It is obvious that the abusive letter writer is some West Wales landowner who has, or who wants, wind turbines to reap the massive subsidies from the public’s purse. I have forwarded my copy to Mr Jenkins, as he is the main target of this anonymous abuse, with the advice that he takes the letters and envelopes so far gathered (about a dozen) to the police for possible tracing and prosecution as malicious correspondence.

I ask readers, and especially letter writers to any West Wales newspapers, to keep any such abusive letters they receive for the police.

Lastly, I’d just like to say to the pathetic moron who is sending these abusive letters out anonymously – you are typical of the cowardly sort who would destroy Wales for a subsidised living from useless wind turbines.

Hopefully, the police will knock on your door soon!”

Councillor Ioan M Richard

Mountain Road Craigcefnparc Swansea

South Wales Evening Post

9 January 2008

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2008/01/09/turbine-issue-gets-gusty/