December 21, 2007
Letters, Wales

Big-time rip-off

I note the UK Government intends to commit itself to a massive off-shore wind development programme.

This is in spite of the fact that wind power is technically by far the most ineffective, inefficient option. Wind power is the most expensive of the practical electrical power sources. If it were not for the long-suffering consumers paying wind farm subsidies in our bills, the UK wind power industry would collapse overnight.

We now know that Denmark, which has plastered itself with wind farms and was held as the example we needed to follow, is in big trouble with increasing CO2 emissions for which they have no answer.

Why do we follow a loser? On the surface the above does not make sense because the UK Government is definitely not stupid. However, the very basis of our successful economy is built around the North Sea gas and oil bonanza.

So how can the Government save face and look global-warming friendly while continuing to use CO2-emitting electricity generation? They go for the useless ultra highly visible wind farms which they already make us, the public, pay for, that’s how!

Let’s face it. We are being ripped off, big time!

Independent consulting electrical engineer,
Eaton Crescent, Uplands, Swansea

Western Mail

18 December 2007

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