November 14, 2007

Turbines 'would fit in on moors'

Another expert has come out in favour of Coronation Power’s plans to put wind turbines on Todmorden Moor.

Natural England, the Government’s statutory landscape advisor on the natural environment, has concluded that either alone, or in combination with other plans or projects, the turbines would be unlikely to have a significant effect on the interest features of the South Pennine Moors.

It is Natural England’s role to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of present and future generations.

Earlier this year, Julie Martin Associates told Calderdale and Rochdale councils that the 400ft tall turbines would blight the countryside and harm leisure opportunities

The Open Spaces Society, a pressure group for common land, has opposed the schemes, saying they would be totally out of scale and visible from miles around.

But Lancashire County Council’s special landscape advisor came to the conclusion that they would be acceptable in landscape and visual terms.

If planning permission is granted, Coronation Power hopes to begin building work at Todmorden Moor and nearby Reaps Moor in the second half of 2008.

Coronation Power has promised the council a £275,000 “community benefit” grant in return for planning permission.

Evening Courier

14 November 2007


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