October 18, 2007

Tedder Hill

The proposal by E.on UK to build three turbines at Tedder Hill, between Roos and Rimswell, is the only one that has received backing from council planning officers.

The proposal would see three 111m (364ft) turbines built.

During the consultation period, 848 letters of objection and 1,035 in support were received.

The company claim, if built, the wind farm would:

Provide enough electricity to power 3,800 homes per year – the equivalent to all the homes of Roos, Rimswell, Burton Pidsea, Halsham and Withernsea.

Contribute to 17 per cent of the renewable energy target set for the East Riding.

Reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by 7,790 tons per year, equivalent to taking 1,950 cars from the road.

Inject £1m into the local economy through civil and electrical engineering contracts.

Create 10 jobs.

John Barnes, a project manager from E.on, and Sarah Davidson, from Bureau Veritas, put forward the case for the proposal.

Outlining the reasons why the site was chosen, they said the area has a sustainable wind speed, it is close to a grid connection, there are no technical constraints and there is suitable access.

However, John McWatt, liaison officer on wind farms for Roos parish council, Rimswell parish council, Withernsea town council and Burstwick parish council, said the site was inappropriate.

He told the committee members the application should be refused because:

It would have a substantial detrimental effect on the visual amenity.

Other wind farm proposals are very close by.

The area is a flood plain and the concrete used in anchoring the turbines, together with the subsidiary roadworks, substations and infrastructure, would have an effect on water levels in the area.

The shadow flicker caused by the moving blades would affect several houses and drivers.

There would be a detrimental effect on tourism.

The plans fail to comply with national planning policy.


18 October 2007

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2007/10/18/tedder-hill/