September 14, 2007
Letters, Pennsylvania

Not a serious approach

Why don’t we just admit that there is an energy crisis in the world and set about finding real solutions to our problems?

Many of those opposed to wind energy development in Pennsylvania would drop their opposition, if wind energy were a serious approach to global warming and energy deficits.

But wind is only 15 percent to 30 percent efficient in Pennsylvania and will not replace a single coal fired or nuclear plant. Neither will wind power make any substantial contribution to our usable supply of electricity or decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.

On the other hand, the environmental cost of wind power is enormous. As an approach to our energy and environmental crisis, wind power is decidedly not serious, as it is not productive and it is not green.

There are steps we can take to decrease our usage of electricity and fossil fuels, for example:

1. Buy “Energy Star” rated appliances

2. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient fluorescent bulbs

3. Purchase fuel efficient cars and trucks

4. Insulate your house and receive a tax credit

5. Plant trees near your house to provide shade and cool

6. Recycle plastics and metals.

None of these steps are difficult, but they will serve to greatly decrease our demand for electricity and fossil fuels.

Unregulated wind turbine placement will lead us to massive deforestation and environmental damage, with energy benefits so small as to make a mockery of the entire approach.

Pete Weaver

Central City

Daily American

14 September 2007

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