August 22, 2007
Letters, New York

Learn from Cherry Valley

As a veteran of the wind turbine war over East Hill in Cherry Valley, I have advice for residents of Fulton and Richmondville.

First, ask any real-estate agent what happened to your property values since the Cobleskill Times-Journal reported on July 25 that Schoharie County officials are negotiating for 35 to 40 turbines on your hilltops.

If you live anywhere near the proposed sites, your property is worth a great deal less than before July 25. Property values plummet near wind turbines – or even rumors of turbines.

Secondly, don’t buy into the argument that it is your patriotic duty to fight Arab oil moguls by helping develop “green” wind power.

Wind turbines are economically feasible only with taxpayer subsidies and because unreliable winds don’t take one oil or coal-fired generating plant off line.

This form of “green” power is a device used by outside entrepreneurs and a few local landowners to destroy your lifestyle for their profit. No local jobs or widespread economic benefit are created.

Thirdly, if you decide to accept wind turbines, do so under conditions laid down by the town of Cherry Valley when turbine entrepreneurs came knocking here.

Cherry Valley said turbines would be permitted but only under conditions written by local residents, not outsiders. Those conditions include – crucially – distance setbacks to ensure turbines are not located close to neighboring property lines or homes.

And don’t let anybody tell you we’re talking here about “windmills” under which little Dutch boys and girls play.

What’s being proposed by your political leadership for you folks in Fulton and Richmondville are industrial parks of 410-foot high concrete and steel monsters with whirling blades more than 100 feet long and strobe lights flashing through your night.

Conrad Fink
Cherry Valley

The Daily Star

20 August 2007

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