April 12, 2007
New York

Andes town board OK's local law on wind turbines

Following a public hearing prior to its April 10 meeting, the Andes town board unanimously approved a local law regarding regulation of wind turbines.

The law, which amends the town zoning law, will permit “The construction of establishment of a small wind energy conversion system for a farm operation, residence, business, school or government building, or a wind measurement tower.”

It also prohibits any “Large wind energy conversion system.”

Those wishing to construct and establish a small system will be required to file for a site plan review and special permits. There also are application requirements that must be met.

There must be a sketch of the parcel involved, on a location map (e.g. a tax map), which shows the boundaries and dimensions of the parcel.

Contiguous properties and any known easements or rights of way and roadways must also be identified.

The sketch also should show the existing features of the site, including land, water areas or wetlands, water or sewer systems and utility lines. The approximate location of all structures currently on or immediately adjacent to the site should also be shown.

The proposed location of the system also is to be shown. The law state that such systems are to be set back 1.5 times the combined height of the tower and blades from existing structures, roads and neighboring properties.

The manufacturer of the system must prepare plans or drawings, copies of which are to be submitted.

There also must be description of the project and a narrative of its intended use, including any changes to be made to the parcel to accommodate the system.

Names and addresses of the applicant and any professional advisors must be supplied and, if the applicant is not the property owner, the owner’s authorization of the project must also be supplied.

Safety measures to prevent unauthorized climbing on the tower must be described, as must any mechanisms for automatic breaking or feathering, to prevent uncontrolled rotation of the system¹s rotor blades and turbine components.

A small wind energy conversion system must be less than 110 feet high, according to the law. The rated capacity of the system, measured in kilowatts, will vary with the use for which it is intended.

The approval of the turbine law was well-received by the 20 persons attending the meeting, Town Clerk Janis L. Jacques advised.

By Tom Coddington
The Walton Reporter

7 April 2007

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2007/04/12/andes-town-board-oks-local-law-on-wind-turbines/