February 20, 2007

Cape Wind opposition speaks out on FEIR

Cape Wind developers filed an unfair imact report, an anti-wind energy group said Sunday.

Cape Wind Associates filed its state Federal Environmental Impact Report Thursday beginning a 30-day public and state review period. Previously, according to the

Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, CWA had agreed to a coordinated state and federal environmental review process.

Opponents view the move to file earlier as a “bid to ignore broader environmental, economic, and safety concerns now included in the federal review process.”

The federal Minerals Management Service is expected to deliver a Draft Environmental Impact Statement this spring. Now the state will not have the chance to consider the additional information that will come from the federal review process.

“This aggressive strategy appears designed to rush the new state administration to a quick approval and deprive the state and the public a chance to review the state issues in context with the interrelated federal issues,” said Charles Vinick, president and chief executive officer of the APNS.

In 2005, former Secretary of Environmental Affairs Ellen Roy Herzfelder outlined the coordinated review process that is now being disregarded. CWA is legally allowed to file its FEIR, however, Vinick said, it hurts their credibility.

“We have confidence that the issues raised two years ago will not be ignored,” Vinick said. “The concerns detailed by the Secretary’s certificate on the DEIS and in public comments must be answered before any review becomes final.”

United Press International


19 February 2007

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2007/02/20/cape-wind-opposition-speaks-out-on-feir/